Salzburg City Campaign

Salzburg, a city in Austria with a rich history dating back to the Stone Age, has evolved into a cultural music hub. The mighty Salzach River divides the city into the historic Old Town and the modern New Town.

The challenge for this project was to redesign the logo for a city with such deep historical roots, creating a streamlined solution that resonates with a more modern era.

Inspiration (Styleboard)


The main concepts I explored were the stunning topography (mountains) and the Salzach River, particularly the idea of the river separating the old city from the new.

The Challenge (Digital Drafts)

I felt that using serifs would be too predictable, so I sought a typeface that felt like a marriage between serif and sans serif-a bridge from old to new. While many of my initial ideas incorporating the mountains didn’t pan out, I experimented with several variations to convey a "wave" representing the Salzach River. Ultimately, I chose the stacked and horizontal logo (top right) because the curved "r" subtly symbolizes the river dividing the old and new city.

For improvements, I tightened the spacing in the stacked logo for a cleaner and more efficient design. While my original website turned out well, the visitors guide fell short-it used inappropriate fonts, and the text over colored blocks hindered readability. To address this, I created a custom cover for the new visitors guide and wove the "wave" concept throughout.

Final Solutions



I hope I get to visit Salzburg one day-this project definitely sparked my interest in experiencing its stunning natural beauty and vibrant music scene firsthand. Overall, I’m pretty happy with how the project turned out. While the visitor’s guide has improved significantly, I think tightening up the typography would elevate it further in the future. I really enjoyed the challenge of branding a location and exploring how to manipulate type to bring that vision to life.


Jiffy Muffin Mix


Tiny Aquatics